LGBTQ + Flag for the rights of pride and sexuality ORGE CORCUERA/Getty Images The LGBTQ Flags and What They Representĭr. Transgender broadly denotes anyone who does not identify with his or her assigned gender, and as an identity, the term refers those who transgress either the traditional sex and gender characteristics or expectations. When you think about symbols of the LGBTQ community, the rainbow-colored pride flag probably comes to mind right away Cristina Moliner/Getty Images What Does LGBTQ Stand For?Īcronym LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender, while increasingly, a Q is included for Queer and/or Questioning.Īn 'A' for Asexual, an 'I' for Intersex and/or a '2' for Two-Spirit is also sometimes included in the acronym.Ī lesbian is defined as a woman who is mainly romantically, emotionally and physically attracted to other women.Ī gay person is usually denoted as a man who is exclusively attracted to other men, although this term is occasionally used to refer to lesbians.īisexuality refers to a person who is drawn to members of both people born male and female. Picture of a young woman waving LGBTQ flag under the sky.